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Georgia State Government Documents - List of Classes and Agency Index: List of classes S-T

List of Classes

Call No.  / Agency (Current/former name)

S200  Department of Public Safety
.A3   Accident Reporting Division
.I5   Office of Public Information
.P2   State Patrol
.S2   Bureau of Safety Responsibility
S220  Office of Coordinator of Highway Safety
S275  Georgia Interagency Safety Advisory Council
S300 Office of School Readiness (continued by Bright from the Start. Dept. of Early Care and Learning, see B700)
.N8   Nutrition Services Division
S600  Soil and Water Conservation Commission (formerly Soil Conservation Committee)
S700  Secretary of State
.A3   Administrative Procedure Division
.A7   Georgia Archives (formerly Department of Archives and History)
.B8   Division of Building and Loans
.C6   Corporations Division
.E4   Elections Division (formerly Division of Elections; Elections Board)
.E8   Blue Ribbon Ethics Study Committee
.M8   State Museum of Science and Industry
.S9   Surveyor General Department
S720  State Board of _________ Examiners
.A2-3 Accountancy
.A7   Architects
.B2   Barbers
.C5   Chiropractic
.C55  Construction Industry
.C6   Cosmetology
.D4   Dental
.E3   Electrical Contractors
.E4   Electrical Contractors
.E5   Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
.F6   Registered Foresters
.F8   Funeral Service
.G4   Professional Geologists
.H4   Hearing Aid Dealers and Dispensers
.H5   Georgia Historical Commission
.L2   Landscape Architects
.L5   Librarians
.M4   Composite Medical Board (formerly Composite State Board of Medical Examiners)
.N81  Nurses
.N82  Nurses
.N83  Nursing Home Administrators
.O6   Dispensing Opticians
.O61  Optometry
.P4   Plumbing Contractors
.P5   Pharmacy
.P51  Physical Therapy
.P6   Podiatry
.P64  Polygraph
.P7   Private Detective and Private Security Agencies
.P71  Psychologists
.R4   Real Estate Commission & Appraisers Board
.R41  Recreation
.S2   Registered professional sanitariums
.S6   Speech pathology and audiology
.S78  Structural pest control
.U3   Used car dealers
.U5   Dealers in used motor vehicle parts
.V4   Veterinary
.W2   Warm air heating contractors
.W4   Water and wastewater treatment plant operators
S730  Georgia Commission for the National Bicentennial Celebration
S740  Government Transparency & Campaign Finance Commission (formerly State Ethics Commission; formerly Securities Commission)
S775.S7 Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial (formerly Stone Mountain Confederate Monumental Association)
S810  Georgia Higher Education Assistance Corporation
S820  Georgia Student Finance Authority
S840  Georgia Student Finance Commission
.N6   Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission
S975.S9 State Survey Committee
T275.T15 Tax Reform Commission
T275.T2 Tax Revision Committee
T375.T3 Special Council on Tax Reform and Fairness for Georgians
T400  Teachers' Retirement System
T450  Georgia Technology Authority
T500  Technical College System of Georgia (formerly Department of Technical and Adult Education)
.L5 Public Library Services, Office of
T600  Georgia Public Broadcasting, part of Public Telecommunications Commission
.E3  Education and Technology Services
T700  Department of Transportation (formerly State Highway Department; State Highway Board)
.A9 Aviation Programs
.C6   Office of Communications
.D2   Planning Data Services
.E5   Office of Environmental Services (formerly Office of Environment/Location)
.E53 Division of Engineering
.E6   Equal Opportunity Division
.H5   Division of Highways
.I5   Public Information Office
.I58 Intermodal Division
.P4 Division of Permits and Operations
.P51  Division of Highway Planning
.P6   Office of Planning
.P8   Bureau of Public Transportation
.R4   Office of Performance-Based Management and Research (formerly Office of Research)
.R5   Right of Way Department
.T7   Office of Traffic Operations
.T73 Office of Transportation Data
.U8 Utilities, Office of
T710  State Highway Commission
T720   State Road and Tollway Authority
T730   Regional Transportation Authority
T800   Treasury Department

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