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Georgia State Government Documents - List of Classes and Agency Index: List of classes G-H

List of Classes

Call No.  / Agency (Current/former name)

G200  Game and Fish Commission (formerly Department of Game and Fish)
G210  State Board of Game and Fish
G275  State Game and Fish Commission
.E3   Division of Education and Information
G600  Governor
.G6   State and Local Government Coordination Study
.I5   Governor’s Intern Program
.K4   Keeper of Public Buildings and Grounds
.L5   Governor’s Conference on Libraries and Information Services
.R4   Compiler of State Records
.T4   Public Telecommunications Task Force
G620   Office of Planning and Budget (formerly Governor’s Budget Bureau)
.A7   Georgia Council for the Arts
.C5   Office of the Child Advocate (merged with the Office of Child Fatality Review (C575.C3) in 2008)
.C55  Governor’s Office for Children and Families (Merger of the Children’s Trust Fund Commission (H800.C4) and the Children and Youth Coordinating Council (J880), January, 2008)
.C6   Coastal Zone Management Program
.C7   Office of Consumer Affairs
.E4   Education Review Commission
.E7   Office of Energy Resources
.G7   Growth Strategies Commission
.H3   Hazardous Waste Management Authority
.H8   Georgia Governor’s Office of Human Relations
.J9   Judicial Process Review Commission
.M2   Management Review Section
.P4   Policy, Planning, and Technical Support Division (formerly State Data Center Program)
.P6   Project Notification Review System
.S25  Georgia Council for School Performance
.S3   Science and Technology Commission (formerly Nuclear Advisory Commission)
.S7   Governor’s Office of Student Achievement
.U4   Consumers’ Utility Counsel
.V5   Advisory Council on Vocational Education
.V6   Council on Vocational Education
.W6  Governor's Office of Workforce Development (continued by Workforce Division, Georgia Department of Economic Development's - E200.W6)
G630  Governor’s Commissions and Councils
.A34  Commission on Aging
.A4   Study Commission of Alcohol
.A6 Appellate Jurisdiction Review Commission
.A8   Atlanta World’s Fair Study Commission
.C4 Child Welfare Reform Council
.C59  Special Inspector of Misdemeanor Convict Camps
.C6   Committee for Coordinating Opportunities in South Central Georgia
.C7   Commission on Crime and Justice
.C71  Commission on Criminal Sanctions and Correctional Facilities
.C72  Advisory Committee on Crime and Punishment
.C73  Criminal Justice Coordinating Council 
.C75 Criminal Justice Reform
.D4   Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
.D7   Conference on Drug Abuse
.D71  Commission on Drug Awareness and Prevention
.E3   Education Reform Commission
.E34  Commission to Simplify and Coordinate the Operations of Governmental Departments
.E35 Education Reform Study Commission 
.E36  Commission on Effectiveness and Economy in Government
.E38  Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security
.E4   Office of Emergency Planning
.E5   Georgia Employment and Training Council
.E6   Commission on Equal Opportunity
.G7   Commission on Planned Growth
.H2   Commission on Resident Schools for Handicapped Children of Georgia
.H3   Georgia Heritage Trust Commission
.H6  Georgia Commission on the Holocaust
.H8   Office of Georgia Human Relations
.I5   Georgia Council on American Indian Concerns
.I6   Governor’s Office of the Consumers’ Insurance Advocate
.J8   Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals
.J81  Commission on Judicial Processes
.L55  Local Governance Commission
.L6   Executive Committee for the Study of the Coordination of State and Local Governmental Services
.M4   Commission to Improve Services for Mentally and Emotionally Handicapped Georgians
.M46 Commission on Children's Mental Health
.N3   Conference on Natural and Environmental Resources
.P4   Citizens Penal Reform Commission
.R4   Commission on Economy and Reorganization
.S3   Commission for Scientific Research and Development
.S4   Governor’s Commission on Certainty in Sentencing
.W6   Commission on the Status of Women
G640  Georgia. Board of Capitol Commissioners
G675.C7 State Crime Commission (formerly Crime Statistics Data Center)
.C71  Georgia Organized Crime Prevention Council
G675.G6 Gordon Monument Commission
H575.H5 Special Legislative Highway Commission
.H51  Governor's Office of Highway Safety
H675.H6 Special Study Committee on the Problems of the Homeless
H700  Department of Public Health 
.A3   Administrative Services
.E4   Division of Epidemiology
.E5   Environmental Health Services
.H4   Health Conservation Services
.H6   Division of Hospital Services
.L2   Division of Laboratories
.L5   Library
.L6   Local Health Branch
.M2   Division of Malaria and Hookworm Service
.M4   Division of Mental Health
.M5   Division of Medical Care Administration
.P4   Office of Comprehensive Health Planning
.P5   Division of Physical Health
.P7   Preventable Disease Services
.S2   Division of Sanitary Engineering
.S8   Bureau (Division) of Vital Statistics
H710  Board of Health (Some publications included in Dept. of Public Health, H700)
H712  Water Quality Control Board
H715  Access to Health Care Commission
H720  Healthcare Facility Regulation, part of Department of Community Health (formerly State Health Planning and Development Agency); For other Dept. of Community Health publications, see C900
H775.H6 Hospital Care Study Commission
H800  Department of Human Services (formerly Dept. of Human Resources until 7/1/2009)
.A3   Office of Adoptions
.A33 Office of Addictive Disease
.A35  Georgia Council on Aging
.A4   Division of Aging Services (formerly Office of Aging)
.A49 Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias Advisory Council
.B8   Budget Services Unit
.C4   Children’s Trust Fund Commission (continued by Governor's Office for Children and Families, a part of Office of Planning and Budget, see G620.C55)
.C6   Office of Communications
.E3   Economic Opportunity Office
.E5   Epidemiology Section
.E9   Office of Evaluation and Research
.F2   Department of Family and Children Services 
.F23 Office of Facilities and Supprt Services 
.H8   Office of Human Resource Management
.G4 Office of Inspector General
.I5   Office of Information Technology
.L4 Office of Legislative Affairs and Communications
.M4   Division of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse (formerly Division of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Prevention)
.M42  Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases
.N8   Office of Nutrition
.P4   Personnel Services
.P5   Division of Physical Health 
.P8   Division of Public Health (Effective 7/1/2009 moved to the Dept. of Community Health,  see C900)
.R2   Office of Regulatory Services 
.S8 Division of Child Support Services
.T4   Office of Technology and Support
.V6   Division of Rehabilitation Services (formerly Division of Vocational Rehabilitation --transferred to the Department of Labor July 1, 2001: See L200.E46 and L200.R4)
.Y6   Division of Youth Services
H875.A4 Commission on Aging
H875.A41  Commission on Alcoholism

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