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Tests and Measurements for the Social Sciences: Full-Text Tests Online

How to find tests and measures (scales, inventories, questionnaires, etc.) in the social sciences.

Individual Online Tests

Beck's Depression Inventory 
Created by Dr. Aaron T. Beck. It is one of the most widely used instruments for measuring the severity of depression

Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (Dr Lynn Underwood/Fetzer Institute) More information on this test.

Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
"The HAM-A was one of the first rating scales developed to measure the severity of anxiety symptoms, and is still widely used today in both clinical and research settings."

Hamilton Depression Rating Scale   (Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Hospital)
This online depression scale was developed by Wes Ashford, M.D., Ph.D.

Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (IDS) and Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS) (University of Pittsburgh Epidemiology Data Center)
This test is offered  in multiple languages.

Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-16) (Daniel R. Ames, Paul Rose and Cameron P Anderson)
A 16 item measure of subclinical narcissism.

Perceived Stress Scale (Sheldon Cohen).

Resistance to Change Scale (Oreg)
"The RTC was designed to assess individuals' tendencies "to resist or avoid making changes, to devalue change generally, and to find change aversive across diverse contexts and types of change."  Link to test.

Schutte Self-Preport Emotional Intellingence Test (SSEIT) (Dr. Nicola Schutte)
"Items of the test relate to the three aspects of EI: (1) appraisal and expression of emotion; (2) regulation of emotion; (3) utilisation of emotion."

Self-Compassion Scales for Researchers (Dr. Kristin Neff, Dept. of Educational Psychology, University of Texas,Austin)
Contains the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS), Self-Compassion Scale - Short Form (SCS-SF) and the Compassion for Others Scale.

Subjective Happiness Scale (Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky, Dept. of Psychology, University of California Riverside)

UCLA Loneliness Scale (Dan Russell)
Found on the Fetzer Institute website.

WHOQOL Spirituality, Religiousness and Personal Beliefs Instrument  (SRBP) ( World Health Organization, Geneva Switzerland)

Contains 32 questions, covering quality of life, as related to spirituality, religiousness and personal beliefs."These questions respond to the definition of Quality of Life as individuals' perceptions of theirposition in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns" - from Introduction.

Reputable Websites with Full Text Tests

CHIPTS Instrument Bank   (UCLA's Center for HIV Identification, Prevention and Treatment Services)
A searchable database of full-text scales and surveys on a wide variety health-related issues.

Compendium of Assessment and Research Tools (CART)  for Meauring Education and Youth Development Outcomes (RMC Research Corporation)
Focuses on instruments that measure attributes associated with youth development programs. Some of the instruments are available in full-text.

International Personality Item Pool (Oregon Research Institute)
Measures for individual personality traits.  The Index of IPIP Scales lists over 230 personality 'traits' with questions that measure that trait and can be applied to a Likert Scale. Scoring Instructions.  The site also provides  50-item and 100-item sample questionnaires, or you can compose your own.

Massachusetts General Hospital School of Psychiatry
Published tests (some available free online) for a variety of mental health symptoms in children and teens, such as depression, social phobias, autism, AD/HD, bipolar disorder, and more.   Table of all screening tools and rating scales.

Measuring Intimate Partner Violence, Victimization and Perpetration: A Compendium of Assessment Tools (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Contains over 20 scales.

Measuring Violence-Related Attitudes, Beliefs and Behaviors and Influences Among Youths: A Compendium of Assessment Tools (Centers for Disease Contains over 170 downloadable measures.

Measuring Youth Program Quality: A Guide to Assessment Tools, 2nd edition (The Forum for Youth Investment)
Compares different program observation tools.  T instrument and updated technical and practical information is included for several of them.

Medical Algorithms Project  ( - Medical Algorithms Company)
Tests and scales include complete psychosocial tests and instruments in psychiatry, pediatrics, neurology, performance measures and quality of life.    Free registration required.

Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL) (US National Science Foundation)
Contains evaluation plans, instruments, and reports for NSF projects

Project Implicit  (Harvard, U of Washington, U of Virginia).
A 'virtual laboratory' where visitors can register (free) and take online tests that measure their unconscious feelings and preferences regarding 90 varied topics, from pets to politics by rapid categorizaiton of words and images. Demonstration tests not requiring registration are also available. Test takers can view their results in comparison to other respondents.  The site also provides full text research studies that have used the tests as well as 'stimulus material' (images from the tests) that can be used by other researchers.

Psychology Tools (
Online tests drawn from scholarly psychological journals, and presented for educational and entertainment purposes, not diagnosis. Tests are taken and scored online. Tests cover social/psychological issues such as addiction, ADHD, aggression, depression, eating disorder, OCD, etc.

Public Domain Measures of Generalized Attitude Dispositions - social attitudes, ideologies, wordview beliefs (Dr. Gerard Saucier, University of Oregon)
46 item version of the SDI (Survey of Dictionary-Based Isms).  Also contains links to shorter versions.  Includes items and scoring information.

Scales (Professor Craig Anderson, Iowa State University)
17 scales on a variety of topics, mainly dealing with emotional states and feelings (some in relation to video games).

Social Personality Psychology Questionnaire Instrument Compendium (Dr. Alan Reifman, Texas Tech University)
If the complete test has been put online by its author, there will be a link to the test.  If not, there will be a link to the test author's website or affiliated organization.


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