Scientific studies are often quoted in the popular press, but sometimes incompletely or inadequately.You may need to:
- Find the original study mentioned in a new report
- Compare popular coverage of research to that in peer-reviewed journals
- Find studies which contradict or support a popular position -- ex: "coffee is good for you" or "coffee is bad for you"
- Work from the popular press item to the study
- If you find a link to a study available for purchase, don't immediately buy it! Check with UGA Libraries first. We can often provide you with free access through our subscription databases, or can get it for you via interlibrary loan.
- You can use Google to find popular press items by limiting to a reputable news site. You can use a unique phrase from the study, or just browse with a general term, such as "study finds." The search might look like these:
- "study finds" psychological
- "study finds" mental
- "mental health" study
- Use Google Advanced Search settings for a date range

Sometimes you'll find full text on a journal's website.

Sometimes the text will not be accessible, or there will be paywall. Try searching UGA's access.

Or try asking a librarian for assistance,