These are the basic steps to searching the ClinicalTrials database, which is accessible via Pubmed.
- Go to
- Click on the 'advanced search' link under the search box.
- On this page, select the criteria you would like to search (ex. gender, age, location, etc.). If you are unclear on what a particular term means, simply click on it and the database will link you out to the definition.
- Once you have some results displayed, you may either browse them for one which meets your criteria or you can adjust your search parameters to get better information. Clicking on the individual trial title will bring up more information, including assigned interventions, contact information for the lead investigators, a detailed description of the trial, any associated journal articles (if available), etc.
- If you are still having trouble finding data you can use to successfully complete this assignment, please contact me (contact information is on the right side of this page).