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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Introduction

This guide directs UGA faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students to resources that support the systematic investigation of teaching and learning in their classrooms. Created by Jennifer Eimers.

Introduction to SoTL

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, or SoTL, as practiced in higher education classrooms across the world, has been defined in various ways since its formal beginnings in 1990 (Georgia Southern, 2022). Despite the variety, these definitions reiterate similar key components. A widely cited defintion that incorporates these key elements of SoTL is, "The scholarship of teaching and learning invites faculty ... to view teaching as serious, intellectual work, ask good questions about their students' learning, seek evidence in their classrooms that can be used to improve practice, and make this work public so that others can critique it, build on it, and contribute to the wider teaching commons" (Hatch et. al., 2006).

Definitions and Key Terms

Professional Organizations for SoTL

Assistant Director for SoTL, Center for Teaching and Learning

Profile Photo
Jennifer Eimers

Contact UGA Libraries

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