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Citation Searching for Tenure and Promotion: Altmetrics


Altmetrics measures scholarly impact on social media, i.e., how often research is tweeted, blogged about, downloaded, bookmarked or found in online reference managers such as Refworks, Zotero, Mendeley, etc.  These measures are also sometimes called "usage statistics".

There are a number of tools that collect altmetrics, including the handily named "Altmetric".

Get the Altmetrics app

Other Altmetrics Tools

  • Impactstory
    Allows the user to create an online profile that gathers usage data from the many social media sites.
  • Plum Analytics
    Aims to provide a more comprehensive measure of a researcher's scholarly impact by gathering data about usage of data sets, resonance on social media, etc.
  • Allows researchers to discover where their research is cited in policy documents and visualize and share what they find.  Requires free registration.
Find more tools on the Tools page

Article Level Metrics (ALM)

PLoS Assessment of impact with Altmetrics is a service provided by the Public Library of Science (PLoS) in partnership with Altmetrics for all authors of works published in PLoS journals. 

SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) ALM Primer

Web of Science search results provide usage counts of each article by users of the WOS database in the previous 180 days and since 2013.

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