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Dodd E-Resources: Books & Journals

Resources for online teaching and learning - 2020 edition.

Exhibition Catalogs

A lot of museums already have back-issues of exhibition catalogs located online for free. Many more are adding them! This is not a comprehensive list.

Online Access

Multi-Search/EBSCO Discovery Service Great place to get started for most research topics. Searches all library collections including databases, ebooks, and print materials.

Libkey Nomad: Free Chrome browser extension that connects UGA resources with scholarly articles you find in PubMed, Wikipedia and hundreds of scholarly publisher websites. Also locates Open Access versions of articles. 

More online resources

Databases by Subject  List of databases and other resources provided by UGA Libraries. 

Databases by Title An A-Z list of databases provided by UGA Libraries.

Ejournal search Search for a specific journal online. You can also add proxy information to URLs to see if UGA has access.

Ebooks Search the GIL-Find catalog to find ebooks. Filter by "Full Access Online." 

 This button can connect you to full-text or print versions of articles, books, or other resources, when available. If no resource is available, you can also use the button to request a PDF or a physical copy from another library. 

Book Reviews

Even if one can't access a print monograph or exhibition catalog, a book review of that book/catalog may be available. 

Many of the major art databases index book (and exhibition) reviews, namely Art & Architecture Source, Bibliography of the History of Art / International Bibliography of Art, Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, and ArtBibliographies Modern. CAA Reviews, an online-only publication of the College Art Association, includes reviews of art and architecture monographs, exhibitions, essays, and lists dissertations by year, all organized by subject and time period.  The Art Libraries Society of North America publishes its art book reviews online: ARLIS/NA Reviews. ARLIS/NA's Multimedia & Technology Reviews reviews websites, online publications, and other products and resources of use to arts researchers that are online. Also, Bookforum reviews a good number of art books, with some reviews available at its website, and The Art Book Review is a free online resource. Photobook reviews are available from Aperture Magazine.

One can also use Multisearch, to do a search, entering as many keywords as you'd like contained in the book title in question, and select Book Review under Content Type on the left-hand side.

For canonical art historical titles, The Burlington Magazine published a series of articles on important 20th-century texts in art history called Art History Reviewed. Just do a title search for Art History Reviewed in Art & Architecture Source and you will see a listing of the specific articles and books reviewed.  Burlington is available online in JSTOR, minus the last half a dozen years.

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