Alternate Name(s)
PQDT Global Full Text, Dissertation Abstracts
Dissertations and theses from academic institutions around the world, including UGA beginning with Fall 2019. Earlier UGA theses and dissertations are in the 'Electronic Theses & Dissertations' database.
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Full Text provides full text access to about 1.9 million dissertations and theses granted by academic institutions worldwide. All subject areas are covered. Basic information for a smaller number of dissertations and theses that are not available in full text is also included in this database.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Academic Video Online (AVON) is a comprehensive video collection, spanning a wide range of subject areas and publishers, and curated specifically for the educational experience.
The MERLOT collection consists of tens of thousands of discipline-specific learning materials, learning exercises, and Content Builder webpages, together with associated comments, and bookmark collections, all intended to enhance the teaching experience of using a learning material.
Additional topics related to the MERLOT Collection include: MERLOT Materials Learning Exercises Material Types Technical Formats Bookmark Collections Course ePortfolios Language and Translation Content Builder webpages
Oxford Bibliographies Online - Buddhism provides students and scholars with annotated bibliographies of the most recent and authoritative scholarship on Buddhism.
Provides authoritative guidance to help researchers identify key information resources in specific areas/topics of Buddhism. Every article is an authoritative guide to current scholarship, written and reviewed by academic experts, with original commentary and annotations.
Financial and Banking Law (FBL) combines breadth with depth in its tailored selection of key reference works in the field.
This world-class collection includes titles covering many specialisms within the general field of financial law, including banking law, financial regulation and enforcement, financial litigation, capital markets and funds. With titles ranging from established texts, such as Mann and Proctor on the Law of Money and Derham on the Law of Set-Off, to more recent works providing innovative perspectives on current legal challenges, FBL defines this area of law with clarity and precision.
International Commercial Arbitration (ICMA) delves into the intricacies of this specialized field through a curated selection of authoritative works.
ICMA combines texts covering key arbitral bodies and jurisdictions with officially recognized and endorsed works detailing the rules governing specific arbitral bodies. Additionally, the collection features key treatises that explore various aspects of international arbitration practice in greater depth, from consent and annulment to the calculation of damages.
International Commercial Law (ICML) brings together leading works on international business law.
This extensive collection contains an unrivalled library of titles on the law of sale, and includes related areas, such as the laws of contract and agency, insurance, shipping, and the carriage of goods.
Private International Law (PRIL) brings together key reference works in the field of private international law.
Cheshire, North, and Fawcett on Private International Law is just one of many cornerstone titles contained in this compilation, guaranteeing authoritative and comprehensive results in a single search.
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology features vetted, cutting-edge overview articles on a wide array of specialized topics, organized across original, intellectually stimulating categories.
The Encyclopedia is designed to present various perspectives on important approaches, issues, and topics, reflective of the tensions and debates that make anthropology such an exciting, dynamic field.
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education comprehensively covers both emerging and foundational topics in education research.
Spanning education globally, articles are authoritative, peer-reviewed, and regularly updated entries written by experts from many different methodological and theoretical approaches.
This encyclopedia is designed to provide scholars and students of international studies with an analytical overview of the scholarship within this ever-expanding, interdisciplinary field.
The articles provide thorough examinations of topics within international studies, exploring the scope of inquiry; the current and prior theoretical, methodological and empirical debates; and the evolution of scholarship.
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics provides hundreds of incisive articles on both fundamental and innovative topics.
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics is designed to present various perspectives on important approaches, issues, and topics, reflective of the tensions and debates that make political science such an exciting field.
Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL) collects the market-leading reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press.
Designed with practitioners and scholars in mind, this definitive library of titles includes:
--Authoritative treatises, which continue to define their area of law
--Black-letter reference works and commentaries, which will help you to answer practical questions about the law
--Classic works on international law, which remain influential in their field today
--Flagship publications, which provide innovative perspectives on current legal problems.
The documents in this collection on Palestine and Israel are sourced from the Central Files of the General Records of the Department of State. The records are under the jurisdiction of the Legislative and Diplomatic Branch of the Civil Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.
This archive traces the vitally important period that saw the end of the British mandate in Palestine. Documents address the role of the Security Council and General Assembly of the United Nations and that of the United States in the creation of the state of Israel. Included here are the Palestine Reference files of Dean Rusk and Robert McClintock, as well as documents from the Mission of the United States in Tel-Aviv. The years 1955-1959 contain instructions and correspondences of the U.S. Department of State. Most of the State Department's internal documentation as well as correspondence between the State Department and other federal departments and agencies, in addition to documents from private individuals and organizations, are included in the central files. Documents types comprise official and unofficial correspondence, inquiries, memoranda, situation reports and studies, special reports, and telegrams The files offer insight into a range of subjects including the politics, laws, military, economy, industry, natural resources, public works, and media of Palestine and Israel.
Sage Research Methods supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process.
Sage Research Methods is the ultimate methods library with more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, including the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher.
SportBusiness is the most trusted global intelligence service, providing unique news, analysis, data, consulting and events which deliver competitive advantage to executives in the business of sport.
SportBusiness is the most trusted global intelligence service, providing unique news, analysis, data, consulting and events which deliver competitive advantage to executives in the business of sport. SportBusiness is at the heart of the sports industry, close to the decision-makers who are driving the sector. Up-to-date information and a global perspective. Full-text