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Main Library & McBay Science Library
Display of Opening hours
Main Library 7:30am – 2:00am
Circulation Desk 7:30am – 2:00am
Digital Humanities Lab 7:30am – 2:00am
Interlibrary Loan Office 8:00am – 5:00pm
Reference Desk 9:00am – 10:00pm
All Library Hours

EMAT 9630: Critique of the Literature in Mathematics Education (White): Additional Help & Resources

We Don't Want Unhappy Patrons

This page has little odds and ends that you may need, all gathered together into one place.

Avoiding Plagiarism Thanks to Elizabeth White for creating this page.

Citation Management--This page, which shows you how to manage the materials you are using in your research and how these tools can insert citations into your paper, correctly format them and create your Reference List. In the COE, I can help you with RefWorks. For assistance with Endnote, please use the Training Request Form and someone will be in touch with you.

Contact Us--Let us help you! Don't sit there, getting angry, ask us for help! Feel free to contact me directly if you need help.

GIL Express--Borrow BOOKS that we either do not own or that are in use from any University System of Georgia library. This service is free and pretty fast. You can choose the CML as a delivery point.

Interlibrary Loan--If there is an article you need and we don't already have it or have access, ILL is the place to go. The same for books. THIS IS ONLY FOR MATERIALS WHICH WE DO NOT OWN. The service is fast & free. The Curriculum Materials Library (207 Aderhold) is now a delivery site for ILL. 

Repository Deliveries. If a title in GIL is listed as being "at the Repository" use the link to request to delivery to the CML, Main or Science Libraries. Patrons cannot go to the "Repo" on their own.

InTRALibrary Deliveries. Using GIL-Find, books from the CML, Main, Science or Music Libraries can be delivered to another library on campus or to any of the branches.

  • You must first sign into your Library Account to access all the options available to you.
  • Find the title you need. Click "Get It".
  • If multiple libraries own this title, click on the list of libraries and then close it.
  • "Request" will appear on the line below University of Georgia. Click it.
  • Complete the form that appears and you can have the book delivered to another UGA Library. You can also use this option to have a book held at the library where it "lives" but please allow time for staff to open your request and process it.

Writing Assistance If you would like a little help with your writing, we've got a page to help!

We don't like people sitting around, getting mad because they can't find what they need. Really, we don't. We have lots ways of get help:

Graduate Students We made you your own page. Get info on research & teaching help.

Distance Learners have their own page, too! (But you already know that....)

Ask us anything, (nearly) anytime!

Make an appointment for research help. If you've been working for more than 40 minutes and can't get what you need, ASK FOR HELP! You can contact me directly on 706.542.2996 or . We can even work over the phone if you can't be here.

Visit the HELP page for more options!