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Main Library & McBay Science Library
Display of Opening hours
Main Library 7:30am – 2:00am
Circulation Desk 7:30am – 2:00am
Digital Humanities Lab 7:30am – 2:00am
Interlibrary Loan Office 8:00am – 5:00pm
Reference Desk 9:00am – 10:00pm
All Library Hours

PHIL 4230/6230 Aesthetics (Meskin): Sources

Background Information

Articles & Books

  • GILFind Catalog of what the UGA Libraries own and where we keep it.
  • GIL Express: Catalog of libraries across the University System of Georgia; click "Request" to get a book from another library.
  • WorldCat: A global catalog of library collections. Find materials in libraries in your community or around the world.
  • Google Books and HathiTrust Digitized print collections from a number of major university libraries. Both are useful for mining the contents of books on library shelves. Most of the books from the 20th-21st century are still in copyright and can only be viewed in snippets online. You can still often view tables of contents and introductions as well as search for keywords within the book. Once you've identified a book you can use, search GIL-Find to see if UGA owns it.

Citing & Annotating

Citing Sources
Purdue Owl Website
A credible and free source for citation formatting in major styles (Chicago, MLA, APA, etc.)

Annotating Sources
Purdue Guide to Annotated Bibliographies 
A useful overview on creating annotated bibliographies that includes a breakdown of the format and sample annotations.

Cornell Library Guide to Annotated Bibliographies
A quick guide to making annotations, including explanation, process, directions, and examples.

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Emily Hopkins
Main Library
Collection Development

Online Office Hours
By appointment:

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