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Using Rayyan for Systematic Reviews

Importing References Tutorial

Video by Dr. James Azam

Importing References

1. After creating a new review, you will be prompted to import references. For an existing review, go to the top of the review page and click New search (adding references from a new database search). 

2. To import references, click Select file, then choose and open the exported reference files you plan to use. Use CTRL + click (for PC) or ⌘ (Command) + click (for Mac) to choose multiple files at once.

Accepted file types include:

  • EndNote Export (.enw)
  • RIS (.ris)
  • BibTeX (.bib)
  • CSV (.csv)
  • PubMed XML (.xml)
  • New PubMed Format (.nbib)
  • Web of Science/CIW (.ciw)

Or any of these formats in a text (.txt), Microsoft Word (.docx), or gz compressed file (.gz). You can also use compressed ZIP (.zip) archives of one or more of these file types.

3. You should see the filename of the reference file you imported. Click Continue.

Rayyan Import Continue