The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) is a database consisting of citations to documents published by the GPO since July 1976 as well as some older documents. The Catalog includes references to congressional committee reports and hearings, documents from executive departments, and more. U.S. government publications from the period, 1895-1976, are covered in the print predecessor (Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications) and associated index volumes.
Data and mapping application that provides access to continuously updated data related to demographics, socio-economics, mortgages and home sales, health statistics, jobs and employment, education and more. Policy Map.
PolicyMap has more than 37,000 continuously updated data related to demographics, socio-economics, mortgages and home sales, health statistics, jobs and employment, education and more. Their GIS data is available for geographies across the U.S. often at neighborhood scale geographies such as Census tracts and block groups.
A directory to all U.S. federal government agencies, providing statistics, full-text documents, and legislative material., the official gateway to all government information, allows searching of more than 51 million web pages from federal and state governments, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. You may select customer gateways Citizens, Businesses and Nonprofits, Federal Employees and Government-to-Government to help narrow your search.
All Databases for Government Information: U.S. General