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INTL 4425R (Gallagher): In class assignment

Practice Citations

For this part of class I want you to find the following articles, (1) tell me whether or not they are academic or non-academic resources, (2) tell me how to access the full text of the article, and (3) cite them correctly using Chicago Manual of Style.

  1. Schnee, Christian.  "Exploring the strategy of government: A statecraft assessment of Angela Merkel's chancellorship from 2005 to 2017."  Politics.
  2. "Angela Merkel’s International Legacy: Cooler Trans-Atlantic Relations." (2021)
  3. Mushaben, Joyce Marie. Becoming Madam Chancellor : Angela Merkel and the Berlin Republic.
  4. Mushaben, Joyce Marie.  "The Quest for Gender Parity: Angela Merkel and the Diversification of Electoral Politics in Germany."
  5. Cas Mudde (1996) The war of words defining the extreme right party family, West European Politics, 19:2, 225-248.