Developed by the USGS and several federal agencies, the NLCD provides nationwide data on land cover and land cover change at a 30m resolution with a 16-class legend.
Researchers at the US Geological Survey have used a wide range of historical data sources and a spatially explicit modeling framework to model spatially explicit historical LULC change in the conterminous United States from 1992 back to 1938. Annual LULC maps were produced at 250-m resolution, with 14 LULC classes.
Shows where Lidar data is available, let's you search by area of interest and allows you to download either the Lidar or DEM (digital elevation model) data that covers your area.
Access to aerial photographs, digital elevation models, LiDAR, satellite imagery, the National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive and land cover data.
The "One Stop Source" for environmental and natural resources data. Choose the area of interest, browse and select data from the catalog, customize the format, and download it.
Offers aerial imagery, land cover, elevation, administrative boundaries, watersheds, and data from the National Transportation Dataset and the National Structures Dataset
The NHD represents drainage networks with features such as rivers, streams, canals, lakes, ponds, coastline, dams, and stream gages while the WBD shows watershed drainage basins