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Business & Economic Data Finder: by subject

Find a source for economic and business data from among the resources available free or by subscription.

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10-K (annual report)

advertising expenditures

  • Vivvix 360; product, brand, product sector,and other categories by media and market; most recent 8+ years
  • Statista (GALILEO), various expenditure categories, countries, companies; recent
  • Advertising Ratios & Budgets, print; company data
  • Advertising Growth Trends, print; company data

advisory loss cost level (property/casualty insurance)

bond prices, historical

  • Wall Street Journal Historical Full Text, 1889-1991 (Proquest) (GALILEO), print reproduction; daily
  • CRSP (WRDS); U.S. treasuries, 1925- (monthly), 1961- (daily)

call reports (Consolidated Report of Condition and Income)

  • FFIEC Central Data Repository (Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council); U.S.; banks and thrifts required to file call reports to the FDIC
  • NCUA (National Credit Union Administration); U.S.; credit unions ('natural person' and 'corporate') required to file call reports to NCUA
  • S & P Capital IQ; U.S.; most banks, thrifts and credit unions (except some uninsured specialty lenders not required to file call reports to the FDIC or NCUA)

concentration (of industries)

consumer confidence, historical

  • IHS Markit Connect (GALILEO); U.S., other countries; CCI, OECD, national banks

consumer price index (CPI), historical

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics U.S.
  • IHS Markit Connect (GALILEO); U.S., selected countries
  • Statista (GALILEO); U.S., selected countries

corporate stock ownership/holdings

  • Mergent (GALILEO); recent insider transactions of top executives-individual companies
  • S & P Capital IQ; U.S.; companies (banking, insurance, REITS)
  • Thomson Reuters Ownership Data (WRDS); data on mutual fund, institutional (13f), and insider stock ownership

credit ratings (corporate & government)

  • FactSet; U.S., current; Moody's, Standard & Poor, Fitch

earnings announcements/estimates

  • S & P Capital IQ; U.S.; companies (banking, insurance, REITS)
  • IBES Guidance (WRDS); U.S.; data from companies and I/B/E/S estimates

exchange rates, historical

  • IHS Markit Connect (GALILEO); many countries; dates vary

futures (commodity futures), historical

  • Wall Street Journal Historical Full Text, 1889-1991 (Proquest) (GALILEO), print reproduction; early 1900s-; irregular to start, later becomes daily

gdp (gross domestic product), historical

  • Bureau of Economic Analysis; U.S., 1929-; States, 1963-; Counties (prototype 2012-15)
  • IHS Markit Connect (GALILEO); many countries; dates vary
  • Statista (GALILEO); many countries; dates vary

Gini coefficient (Gini index, Gini ratio) of income inequality

  • IHS Markit Connect (GALILEO); U.S., 1967-
  • World Bank; many countries, reference years vary
  • Statista (GALILEO); selected countries, years vary
  • American Factfinder; U.S. and states, 2006-

home sales

  • PolicyMap (GALILEO); estimated single family, condo, mobile home sales and median sales price; only available as map layers; no downloads; U.S. zip code, 2008-
  • Statista (GALILEO); home categories and type of statistic (sales number, average/median price) vary; U.S. and some smaller geographies; years vary 

initial public offering (IPO)

  • Factiva (GALILEO); press releases about IPO registrations
  • Compustat (WRDS); U.S., date of IPO
  • Statista (GALILEO); summary data, selected countries, dates vary

interest rates, historical

  • Statista (GALILEO); selected countries and categories

loss ratios (property/casualty insurance)

market share

  • Market Share Reporter, print; U.S.; current/recent; selected products
  • Mintel Reports (GALILEO); U.S., U.K.; current/recent; selected brands or manufacturers
  • Statista (GALILEO); U.S., selected countries; product categories
  • IBISWorld (GALILEO); U.S.; top manufacturers in specific industries
  • S & P Capital IQ; U.S.; companies (banking, insurance), states, counties, ZipCodes

mergers & acquisitions (m&a)

  • Statista (GALILEO); international, summary stats, recent year(s)
  • Factiva (GALILEO); international; press releases
  • PrivCo (GALILEO); U.S.; data on deals of private companies including venture capital
  • SDC Platinum; U.S.; data on deals

mutual funds

  • Statista (GALILEO); international, summary stats, recent year(s)
  • Morningstar (GALILEO); U.S.; up to 10 years of data
  • FactSet; U.S.; recent years

P/E ratio (price/earnings ratio)

  • Mergent (GALILEO); current
  • Morningstar (GALILEO); current; forward P/E
  • FactSet (GALILEO); current

 paid claim costs (property/casualty insurance)

performance ratios (industries, companies)

  • RMA Annual Statement Studies, print; U.S.; selected NAICS industries
  • IBISWorld (GALILEO); U.S.; selected NAICS industries (from RMA)
  • Dun and Bradstreet's Industry Norms and Key Ratios, print; U.S.; selected SIC industries in: agric_mining_comm, FIRE, manufacturing, retailing, wholesaling
  • Mergent Online (GALILEO); U.S.; up to 15 years; public companies
  • Morningstar (GALILEO); U.S.; up to 10 years; public companies
  • FactSet; U.S.; recent years; public companies

poverty threshholds & guidelines

  • poverty threshholds (for statistical reporting) (Census Bureau)
  • poverty guidelines (for program eligibility) (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, published annually in the Federal Register)

producer price index (PPI), historical

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics; U.S.
  • IHS Markit Connect (GALILEO); U.S., selected countries
  • Statista (GALILEO); U.S. and selected countries, summary stats, years vary

R&D expenditures

  • Statista (GALILEO); countries and sectors vary, summary stats, years vary
  • R&D Ratios & Budgets, print; company & industry data

real estate investment trusts (REITS)

  • S & P Capital IQ; U.S.; current & most recent 9 years-; public and private companies & properties including foreign holdings
  • Statista (GALILEO); U.S. and selected countries, summary stats, recent year(s)

real estate - commercial (office, industrial)

  • Statista (GALILEO); U.S. and selected countries, summary stats, recent year(s)
  • Newmark Grubb Knight Frank; vacancy rate, net absorption, average rental per square foot; major U.S. markets, most recent year

real wages

  • OECDiLibrary (GALILEO); irregular report; recent national average & growth; U.S. & most OECD countries
  • Statista (GALILEO); U.S., summary stats, recent year(s)

segment data (product type, geographic)

  • Mintel Reports (GALILEO); U.S., U.K.; product type within consumer markets
  • Statista (GALILEO); U.S.; segment types vary, recent year(s)
  • Mergent (GALILEO); U.S.; some product type, geographic of individual companies
  • IBISWorld (GALILEO); U.S.; some product type within industries
  • 10K reports (Refinitiv Workspace, Mergent, SEC); U.S.; may include geographic segment data

spot prices (commodity cash prices), historical

  • IHS Markit Connect (GALILEO); dates vary; data not available for all commodities; frequency varies
  • Wall Street Journal Historical Full Text, 1889-1991 (Proquest) (GALILEO), print reproduction; irregular
  • Statista (GALILEO); U.S., categories vary, recent year(s)

stock prices (equity prices), historical

  • Wall Street Journal Historical Full Text, 1889-1991 (Proquest) (GALILEO), print reproduction; daily
  • CRSP (WRDS); U.S., NYSE 1925-, NYSE MKT (AMEX) 1962-, NASDAQ 1972-; daily, monthly

supply chain (aka value chain) data, current

  • FactSet; U.S. public companies

trade balance, historical

  • IHS Markit Connect (GALILEO); dates vary; U.S., selected countries
  • Statista (GALILEO); U.S., summary stats, years vary



access by special arrangement:

  • FactSet UGA faculty and students only; Internet (students), Internet & individual workstation installation (faculty); requires registration, 
  • S & P Capital IQ (previous names: S & P Global Market Intelligence; SNL) UGA faculty and students only; Internet, requires registration using a valid UGA email address.
  • WRDS  UGA faculty (incl visiting), graduate students, IT staff & librarians, supervised research assistants only; Internet, requires registration.


Business and Economics Research Databases at the UGA Libraries

Lists business-related data and information resources subscribed to by the UGA Libraries. Grouped by broad discipline/research area. Does not include resources funded solely by Terry College or other campus units.

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