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American Literature: Articles

Finding Journals

When you already have the complete reference to an article (title, author, journal title, date), search the journal title in GIL Find to see if UGA owns it online or in hard copy.

Can't get it at UGA? See your options for getting the article from another library.

Literary Criticism

MLA International Bibliography, 1926-present: The major source for locating scholarly articles and book chapters in literary criticism and language studies. The MLA Directory of Periodicals is also searchable through this database by clicking on 'Browse Periodicals' at the top menu.

JSTOR: A collection of full-text scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Coverage begins with the journal's first issue, and JSTOR's "rolling wall" means the past 3-5 years are usually not available

Multi-Search: A combined search of GIL and about 180 GALILEO databases including the MLA Bibliography and others in fields outside of literature. This guide includes instructions on setting up personal alerts from Multi-Search for new journal issues, articles on a topic, or articles by an author.

LION: The 'Criticism' section of LION includes the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, an index to scholarly articles, book chapters, and book reviews.

Project Muse: Like JSTOR, Project Muse is a collection of full-text scholarly journals in literature, the humanities, and some social sciences.

American Humanities Index, 1975-2004 (2nd floor AI3 .A278): An index to articles and reviews published in smaller literary reviews and humanities journals not indexed elsewhere.

Related Article Indexes

International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance, 1984-present: Articles and book chapters in drama and related fields; IBTD is also part of Multi-Search.

Film & Television Literature Index, 1972-present: Articles and reviews from film journals and magazines; FTLI is also part of Multi-Search.

Hispanic American Periodicals Index, 1970-present: Index to articles on Latin America and on Hispanics in the U.S.

Ethnic Newswatch, 1980-present: Articles, mostly full text, from the U.S. ethnic, minority, and and native presses.

Genderwatch, 1970-present: Articles, mostly full text, from popular and scholarly periodicals on women and gender.

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database, 1996-present: A catalog of children's books with reviews.

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