Index and abstracts to articles, books, maps, reports, and other literature on the geosciences.
GeoRef and GeoRef In Process provide bibliographic citations to journal and conference literature in the geographical and geological sciences. GeoRef covers the geology of North America from 1785 to the present and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to the present. The database includes references to all publications of the U.S. Geological Survey. Masters' theses and doctoral dissertations from US and Canadian universities are also covered. GeoRef In Process contains records that are, literally, in the process of being indexed prior to their integration in the main GeoRef database. The majority of the records originate from non-English language literature that was not necessarily published recently.
Online access to geoscience publications, and access to GeoRef.
GeoScienceWorld is a database covering the various geoscience disciplines that provides full text access to over 35 major publications in the geosciences as well as a direct link into GeoRef.
Geologic Guidebooks of North America Database consists of references to geologic field trip guidebooks of North America.
Geologic Guidebooks of North America Database consists of references to geologic field trip guidebooks of North America. Most of the guidebooks cited are from the period 1940-1988. A few are from earlier years. Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) volunteers have added many post-1988 guidebooks to the database. Beginning in 2002, new guidebooks will be added to GeoRef as part of the regular database production, and then added to the guidebook database from the GeoRef records.
The guidebook database contains the information in the print publication The Union List of Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks of North America, sixth edition, compiled and edited by the Geoscience Information Society Guidebooks Committee, Richard Spohn, Chair, and published by the American Geological Institute in 1996.
Web of Science provides access to the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Book Citation Index, and Conference Proceedings Citation Index. These databases may be searched separately, in any combination, or all at once.
These databases are unique in that the user can search to find which articles have cited a certain author or article. This technique of doing research, called pearl growing, allows researchers to find articles that are related to an earlier work. Often this technique turns up articles which are not found through traditional subject and keyword searches.
*WoS API Key: See "Web of Science Expanded API" entry in Database A-Z List.*