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Main Library 7:30am – 2:00am
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Interlibrary Loan Office 8:00am – 5:00pm
Reference Desk 9:00am – 10:00pm
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INTL 4615: Politics of Disease Control: Home

Politics of Disease Control

Z-Man Games. "Pandemic." Retrieved from

Z-Man Games. "Pandemic." Retrieved from

Finding a Disease

To locate an outbreak, just the sites below:

World Health Organization Disease Outbreaks:  For international data about outbreaks, as well as analysis.

Center for Disease Control Recent Outbreaks:  For domestic and international data about outbreaks, as well as analysis.

Science Daily:  A general science news website.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report:  A publication of the CDC, this report gives weekly numbers on the spread of contagious diseases, as well as summarizes public health efforts to mitigate them.

Government Documents

Government Documents are often organized by originating agency.  Here are some sources which can help you manage the immense scope of material available.

State Health Departments- Often there is a wealth of documentation on the state level health departments.  Here is a list of their websites in the United States.  They will often have more specific information than the CDC will have on their site.  

ProQuest Congressional- To look at documents produced by the legislature regarding an outbreak, the best place to go is ProQuest Congressional.  Particularly CRS reports and Hearings are helpful.  

State Legislatures- State legislatures will often have information on their own websites regarding outbreaks.

Medical Databases

The UGA Libraries does have databases specifically covering medical research and information.  If you're finding the Multisearch too overwhelming, try searching just for medical articles using MEDLINE.  The search box is similar to the Multisearch, but the content is only medical research.

Research articles

To find research articles about how government response to outbreaks of disease, the best place to go is to UGA's GALILEO databases.  Here are a few suggestions:


The Libraries Multisearch searches a large section of databases, as well as books.  It searches popular news articles and scholarly research.  It can be overwhelming, so if you're finding too much material, view the video below for some tips on how to narrow down, or contact me directly for hands on help.

Tips for Searching the Multisearch

Finding Full Text Articles in the Multisearch

If the results has a link that says '.pdf full text' or '.html full text' under it:

  • Simply click on the link and you will have access to the article.

If it does NOT have those links:

  • Click on the  button under the citation information;
  • If we have access to article in another database, a link either directly to the article or to the online version of the journal will be provided;

All GALILEO databases have the FindIt@UGA button to help you access the full text articles in the UGA Libraries.

For example:

PDF Scans, GIL Express, and InterLibrary Loan


You can request pdf scans of book chapters and print articles which already reside in our collection.  Fill out this form.


You can request ebooks be purchased by the UGA Libraries for use for this research paper. Fill out this form.  If we can get an ebook, we normally can turn on access within a business week.


You can borrow book from all 32 University System of Georgia institutions through a service called GIL Express.  

First, search the GIL Catalog and find the book you want.  Make sure you choose University System of Georgia from the dropdown menu.  Click on the link to the catalog record of the book.

Second, if another university has the book, and it is not checked out, click on My Account at the top of the page to log in with your MyID and password.

After you log in, you will be able to click on the Request link.  The book should arrive at the Library within four business days.


If the book you need is not owned by UGA or another USG institution, you can then place an ILLiad request, and we will borrow it from outside of the public university system.  This takes longer, so be prepared to wait from two weeks to a month to get a book.

ILL will also get articles for you if we do not possess a print or electronic copy.  They normally can email you a pdf within one business day.

Your UGA Librarian

Profile Photo
Elizabeth White
Miller Learning Center,
Room 373