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INTL 4610: Environmental Politics: Home

Environment Politics

International News

Access World News : Regional, national, and international news coverage.

Factiva :  Includes access to AJC and Wall Street Journal.

Country Research

UN iLibrary : United Nations books, journals and data on a broad range of social and economic topics, covering a large number of countries.

OECD iLibrary : Full text access to OECD publications, 1998-present.

Public Opinion

iPoll (Roper Center) : U.S. opinion polls on major issues, politics, and society  

Polling the Nations (public opinion) : U.S. and international opinion polls on major issues, politics, and society.   

Getting Full Text

Getting the full text of articles in GALILEO:

If the results has a link that says '.pdf full text' or '.html full text' under it:

  • Simply click on the link and you will have access to the article.

If it does NOT have those links:

  • Click on the FindIt@UGA button under the result;
  • If we have access to article in another database, a link either directly to the article or to the online version of the journal will be provided;
    • If it links to the journal, you will need to browse to your article by clicking on the correct volume, issue, and page number (this information is available in your original results list);

All GALILEO databases have the FindIt@UGA button to help you access the full text articles in the UGA Libraries.

Best Bets

Environmental Research Databases

International Environmental Agreements Database:  Index of environmental agreements, plus seminal literature about a variety of topics.

Environment Complete : Articles and books related to environmental topics.  Contains Environmental Law and Policy research.

Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (ProQuest) : Comprehensive research on the environmental sciences. Covers scientific journals, conference proceedings, reports, books and government publications.  

Wildlife and Ecology Studies Worldwide : Index to articles covering all aspects of wildlife and wildlife management.


Legal Resources

Index to Legal Periodicals & Books : Indexes legal periodicals and books, 1982 to present.  

Legislative Insight (ProQuest) : ProQuest Legislative Insight is a Federal legislative history service that makes available thoroughly researched compilations of digital full text publications created by Congress during the process leading up to the enactment of U.S. Public Laws.  

Westlaw Campus Research (Law) : Westlaw Campus Research is a comprehensive collection of primary legal resources including federal and state statutes, codes, regulations, and case law materials, as well as international materials including the European Union. 

Environmental NGOs

Greenpeace.  International NGO with a goal to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity." 

Center for Environmental Research and Conservation. Sustainability think tank based at Columbia University. See their list of publications

Earth Island Institute. Founded by David R. Brower, acts as an environmental umbrella organization, providing people and groups the capability to develop initiatives through professional services.

Environmental Defense Fund. Works on global warming,ecosystem restoration, oceans, and human health.

Fauna and Flora International.Works to conserve threatened species and ecosystems worldwide into account human needs.

Nature Friends International. Global environmental umbrella organization.

Global Footprint Network.  International think tank that provides ecological footprint accounting tools to drive policy decisions in a resource-constrained world

International Union for Conservation of Nature.  Union composed of government and civil society organizations to provide the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together.

Nature Conservancy. Conservation organization working to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.

Natural Resources Defense Council.  International environmental advocacy group with a staff of hundreds of lawyers, scientists and policy experts.

Wetlands International. Global not-for-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands.

World Agroforestry Centre. Generates knowledge about the benefits of agroforestry to develop policy and practices for improved livelihoods and environmental benefits.

Worldwatch Institute. Works for universal access to renewable energy and nutritious food, expansion of environmentally sound jobs and development, transformation from consumerism to sustainability.

World Wildlife Fund.  International Conservation Organization - see also the International Secretariat based in Geneva.

Your Librarian

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Elizabeth White
Main Library, Academic Engagement Department