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Setting Up Citation Alerts for Library Databases: Setting up Citation Alerts for UGA Publications

Setting Up Citation Alerts for Library Databases

Searching for University Publications

Many units on campus are interested in keeping up to date with publications by UGA faculty.  Using the UGA Libraries GALILEO databases allows campus units to search, set up alerts, and export this information into a citation manager of their choice.  Below are some suggestions for how this would look for different databases.

Web of Science  |  PubMed  ProQuest Central

If you would rather just click on a URL and then set up the search, here are permanent URLs to the these databases with the search box already filled in for UGA publications.  After clicking on these links simply log into your free accounts with these databases and create a search alert.

EBSCO Databases



Web of Science

Web of Science

Web of Science allows you to search by author's affiliation.  To search this way follow this example:
1) Choose "Organization" from the drop down menu.

2) Type in "University of Georgia" in the search box:



3) After clicking "search," you'll see the results.  Underneath "Results," click on "Create an Alert."  If you haven't created a Web of Science account (or you're not logged in), you will have to do so before saving the search.





PubMed allows you to create search alerts based on author affiliation.  Navigate to PubMed, and click on "Advanced" under the search box.

1) Choose "Affiliation" from the drop down menu, and then type in "University of Georgia" in the search box and click "Add."  Then click "Search."



2) At the top of the results page click on "Create Alert."  If you don't have a free NCBI Account, you have to create one before you can create the search alert.




3) Fill out the form,  save your search, and you're done!



ProQuest Central allows you to search by author affiliation. 

1) To set up a search alert for ProQuest, click on Advanced Search.  Type "University of Georgia" in the box and choose "Company/Organization."  Check the box that says "Peer Reviewed" to bring back only research articles.  Click on "search."




2) Click on "Save Search/Alert," then choose "Create Alert."




3) Fill out the form and you're done!




I recommend using the EBSCO databases link in GALILEO instead of the Multisearch for saved searches.  You can be more precise in which databases you search, and you can have the added benefit of choosing databases which only have research articles, which will limit the non-research articles which might populate your saved search alert.





Once you've chosen your databases, you'll be able to search all of them at once.  Check "Scholar (Peer-Reviewed) Journals" so that you'll bring back research articles.  Also Sign in to your MyEBSCO account to set up a search alert (this is free and separate from your MyID and password).




Click on the Share Button and choose "Email Alert."
