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COMM 3700: Tests and Measurements

Tests and Measurements in the Social Sciences Guide

See the Tests and Measurements for the Social Sciences guide for more detailed information on finding tests and measures.

Full Text Tests in Books: Communication Studies

Finding Full-Text Tests in Journals: GALILEO

Note: These directions will show you how to find articles containing full text tests and articles that use or discuss a particular test, but don't include the test itself.

HAPI (Health and Psychosocial Instruments): Using the 'Advanced Search' option, in addition to your keywords, select 'Primary Source'  in the 'Source Code' box to limit your results to citations that contain measure itself or discuss its development.  

Screenshot of Health and Psychosocial Instruments database

Other GALILEO databases - Search tips:

Most databases do not have special features that allow you to limit by test.  For these databases, combine your keyword search with one or more keywords that are associated with test instruments, as shown in the example below.  (Putting the term 'OR' between each keyword will search for items that contain any of these keywords.)

Example Search:

dating AND communication AND (assessment OR interview OR inventory OR measur* OR questionnaire OR rating OR scale OR survey OR test* OR tool*)

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