Earth Science Online Video DatabaseThis database contains over 6,138 different tv documentaries, lectures, webinars, and films, representing over 4,482 hours of content, covering every area of the Earth Sciences. Video records are listed in the Videos table. Videos may belong to series - whether they be parts or episodes in a TV documentary series, or a weekly lecture series, and you can browse by series using the Series table. You may also find it useful to browse the Tags and the Topics tables. Topics are broad areas of research within the Earth Sciences (I have defined 10), while Tags specifically describe individual videos and can be hyper-specific. For instance, if I wanted to see a list of videos about Volcanism in general, I can browse through the "Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology, Volcanism, & Hydrothermal Systems" topic. But if I am interested specifically in Hot-spot volcanism, I can search for that in the Tags table and see a list of videos related specifically to that tag.
Avana Vana, Curator, The Earth Science Online Video Databse