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Main Library 7:30am – 2:00am
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Interlibrary Loan Office 8:00am – 5:00pm
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ECHD 8020--Seminar in Counseling and Human Development Services. (Phelps): Dissertations

Finding Dissertations in GALILEO

Looking for dissertations? Take a look at our Dissertations page.

Dissertations completed here can also be found in the Libraries' catalog, GIL. Search the GIL-Find catalog to find records for both print and electronic dissertations and theses. Make sure to add the keywords “University of Georgia” and “dissertation” or “thesis” to your search in the GIL-Find catalog. You can also limit to Dissertation/Theses using the Format filter on the left of the search page. Dissertations and theses up through 2001 are available in print, and are held in our storage facility or in Special Collections.

To access newer dissertations and/or dissertations completed elsewhere, visit ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Full Text (formerly Dissertation Abstracts).

Finding Dissertations in GIL-FIND

The Libraries own or have access to all UGA dissertations, unless someone lost one along the way, but WE do collect them. Dissertations prior to 1999 were in print and after that they are all in electronic format. You can search them two ways. This is searching in the catalog, using the advanced search option and only searching in UGA's Libraries.  From 2019 and on, our dissertations will be found in the GALILEO database ProQuest Theses & Dissertations.

Search for dissertation as "any field" so the software will look everywhere.  Keep the topic in "any field" as well so it's not missed in another field. You may also want to search by major advisor. Again, stick with "any field" and use only the last name.


How to WRITE a Dissertation

Looking for "how to" books on dissertation writing? Here's one search that may help:

In GIL-FIND  Advanced search, search for

Any: dissertation OR "academic writing"  [next box down] AND any :"how to" OR write OR writing

  • Keep terms you are willing to interchange in the same box and join them with OR (This is true for any database, not just here!)

You can re-sort the results by date or author or title.

With GIL-FIND you can easily send the results to your citation manager.