Assessment Committee Charge:
The mission of the Assessment Committee is to foster a culture of assessment, with two primary responsibilities:
LibQUAL survey coordination
The committee will:
- plan and implement the LibQUAL survey;
- conduct campus outreach to survey participants;
- code the survey's qualitative results;
- communicate the survey results to UGA Libraries.
Support and promote assessment activities within UGA Libraries
The committee will:
- promote participation in assessment efforts and discussions;
- share and cultivate assessment expertise;
- identify assessment challenges and opportunities within UGA Libraries;
- advise and partner with Administration to plan and prioritize assessment goals;
- maintain a repository of assessment activities and results.
The committee will be composed of 7-9 members drawn from UGA Libraries faculty and staff. Members will serve renewable three year terms, staggered among members. As members' terms end, the committee will hold an open call to solicit interest in membership from faculty and staff. The committee will recommend new or returning committee members to Admin for approval. To assist with LibQUAL coordination, the committee may expand to include ad hoc members as needed.
Current Members:
Chandler Christoffel (Chair)
Sandra Riggs
Viki Timian
Nan McMurry
Erin Leach
Meagan Duever
Jan Hebbard
Kathleen Kerns
Deb Stanley