ProQuest Legislative Insight is a Federal legislative history service that makes available thoroughly researched compilations of digital full text publications created by Congress during the process leading up to the enactment of U.S. Public Laws.
ProQuest Legislative Insight is a Federal legislative history service that makes available thoroughly researched compilations of digital full text publications created by Congress during the process leading up to the enactment of U.S. Public Laws. Contains 27,000 professionally researched legislative histories.
Coverage of U.S. Congress; hearings, prints, reports, bills, Congressional Record, CRS Reports, Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations
ProQuest Congressional provides extensive historical indexing of Congressional documents. It also provides the full text of recent hearing transcripts, committee reports, bills, bill tracking reports, the Congressional Record, Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, U.S. Code, and public laws, as well as the complete historical archives of CRS (Congressional Research Service) reports and Committee Prints. Additional coverage includes biographical profiles of congressmen and senators, committee assignments, voting records and financial data.
All Databases for Government Information: U.S. Congressional