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HIPR 4100S/6100S Cultural Resource Assessment: Home

A guide to helpful resources for your projects

Sanborn Maps

Aerial Photos

Digital copies of our aerial photos can be requested by emailing or by filling out this form:

How do you determine which photos you need? All of our air photo indexes have been scanned and are available through the Digital Library of Georgia. Use the index for the county and year(s) you are interested in, find your study area, and write down the flight line and photo number of the photo(s) that cover your area. How do you identify the flight line and photo number? They are in the upper right hand corner of the photo (the date of the photo is on the upper left).

Link to the index collection: 

Helpful hints

  • Air photos have a lot of overlap (esp. north-south). Your site maybe on multiple photos. The view of your site can vary depending on the angle the photo was taken at. It's ok to request adjacent photos.
  • For some years we have every other photo.
  • We may not have all photos for a specified year, or any. Having the index does not guarantee we have the photos

City Directories

Athens city directories from 1958 and older have been scanned and are available through the DLG. From 1958 to present, the Athens directories are located in MAGIL

Indexes for other cities have also been digitized and are available through the DLG, including those available through other libraries

MAGIL has city directories in print for many cities in Georgia, historical to present day. The UGA Libraries has some directories for other cities in the US on Microfilm in the basement of the Main Library. Discover which cities using the Books & More Search tab on the Libraries' homepage

There are several different companies that produced city directories. Each have their own approach to the arrangement of their information.

Topographic Maps

Topographic maps have been produced in paper from 1884 - 2006, and digital only after that. Both current and historical topos are available through the same USGS based site as GeoTIFFs, GeoPDFs, jpegs, and kmz files

Historical Map Collections


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Meagan Duever
Research and Computational Data Management department
Main Library